Life Rife With Change As Everything Remains Constant
Mar 16 09:31 AM US/PacificBy: MARC THOMSON
Thomson Times Editor
In my experience, it is commonly perceived that, in the absence of dramatic events, life remains constant. Not so. It's easy for me to slip into the thinking that other people's lives are more exciting than my own. In reality, life is as exciting as you want it to be. For some, excitement is an undesireable attribute, replaced instead by stability and predictability. I like a little of both, I think.
As days, weeks, and months go by, I find myself reading over the events occurring in other people's lives, whether in their blogs, on the family websites, or in email. As I read, I find myself wondering what kinds of stories or events I could share in return that the reader would find interesting and entertaining. Nothing really comes to mind. I think I'm living in the stability and predictability portion of the cycle. But it's not all that bad.
Looking back on my life for the past few years, I graduated from college (twice), moved 1,400 miles from the place I grew up to a place completely alien, got a good job, got married, had three kids, lost some loved ones and gained others. So, I can't say my life has been boring; however, I can say that I feel like something big is on the horizon. God doesn't seem to like letting me slip into complacency, preferring instead to keep me on my toes.
As I write this, I hear the sounds of the kids getting ready for church: Katie is in the tub singing a song she made up, Scott is asking Kristi about how to spell a word, Kassi is making baby noises to herself while she drags her favorite blanket around the floor, and Kristi is preparing something for Young Womens. It's a typical Sunday morning.
I guess I should spend some time to give an update on what each family member is doing these days. Let's start with the youngest...
Kassi continues to transition from being a little baby to a little girl, though she thinks she's as big as Scott and Katie. She likes to explore the house and get into things she's not supposed to. She seems to like to bump her head on things as she can rarely be found without a bruise on her head somewhere. Her red hair is coming in thicker and I can't help but notice the redhead attitude she has to match. She isn't much of a talker yet, but she has her moments. She also loves to play in the sandbox with the big kids and is quite a connoisseur of sand and mud. But, on the flip side, she loves looking pretty and will frequently want "pretties" put in her hair so she can show them off to Daddy.
Katie is a typical little girl with a very special spirit. She loves learning new things and will often attempt to do Scott's homework with him. She makes me so proud with her eagerness to learn and her ability to absorb information. She still likes to sign phrases and words, and is always interested in learning more sign language. I truly think she's blessed with intelligence. Her latest exciting news is that she gets to give her first talk in primary today. She's been looking forward to this day for quite some time.
Scott is going through another growth spurt. Yesterday, I noticed that the sleeves on the shirt he was wearing ended a good five centimeters above his wrist. He seems to be quite the popular kid at school, which I cannot relate to one bit. He will make an excellent missionary one day because he has no reservations with talking to anyone. Scott is quickly developing his sense of humor and is quick to share or play a joke on anyone who will let him. He loves riding in the truck and refers to the two of us as "truck guys." He especially loves treasure hunting in the hills of Arizona and will bring home all sorts of rock as his reward.
Kristi has been developing the talent of juggling over the past few years. She is currently juggling the rigors of homemaking, raising kids, managing finances (yes, I know I should be more involved with this...), and fulfilling her church calling in the Young Womens organization. She always seems to have so many balls in the air, I constantly wonder how she does it all. She is currently busy preparing for this year's Pioneer Trek and at the same time planning for Young Women's camp. What a busy,
busy job. What amazes me about Kristi is how she keeps so much of this straight in her head... I don't think I could do it.
I have been spending much of my spare time trying to get back into shape. Over the last eight years I did a great job of getting out of shape. But now I think it's important to change that so I can spend as many enjoyable years with my family as possible. I've also started learning morse code... again. One day, I'll get it down. It's not so much a requirement for a Ham radio license anymore as it is a personal challenge. That's about it for me right now.
Hopefully, I'll feel more inclined or inspired to write again sooner.
Until then, hasta la vista!
1 comment:
Wow! You posted! I'm so proud of you! I'm glad life is going so well for you phoneicians... Can't wait to see you again someday... give all your kids a big hug, and keep us updated on all of your news, no matter how small it seems...
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