Sunday, May 10, 2009

What am I teaching my kids?!?

So today Scott and Katie got into an argument over a Pokemon toy. I asked them to tell me what happened, and I got two different stories. No surprise there. Anyway, I told them that I knew someone was lying because their stories were different. Scott insisted Katie was lying, and Katie wasn't even trying to defend herself. I confronted Katie and asked if Scott was telling the truth. She reluctantly admitted that Scott was telling the truth, but flatly denied lying. She's bound to be a politician someday...

I sent Katie to sit in a chair as punishment. After a few minutes, I asked her if she knew why it was a bad thing to tell a lie. She said that she knew once, but that she just forgot. Scott was sitting in the room, so I decided to ask him if he knew the answer. He said he did, so I decided to give him a chance to tell us all what he knew. He said, "If you lie, then you get on the bad list, and Santa might not come to your house." And then, almost as an afterthought, he added, "And Jesus doesn't like it when we lie, either."

It struck me as funny how his main reason was that he didn't want to end up on Santa's bad list, and I had to fake seriousness as I left the room suppressing laughter. I guess it's back to the drawing board for Scott....


Nicole Hunter said...

That's pretty funny! Scott is a character!

The Robertson Family said...

This totally reminds me of Blake. He said, "Santa won'ot bring us presents if we're bad. Jesus doesn't like it when we're bad either. It makes them both sad." Kids are so funny!

Amy Savage said...

Those times where you have to hold back the laugh are the best. Our kids keep us grinning.

Angela Killpack said...

He did still get the answer in the end. Hey, I'd take either answer. :) As long as my kid knows not to lie.

Nicole Hunter said...

Hey, I haven't heard you guys know if you're having a boy or girl??

Nan said...

I wouldn't want to be on Santa's bad list either... My kids do not even know is Santa is.. Now that is sad.