Halloween was alot of fun we carved pumpkins. Scott didn't want to get his hands gooey.

The girls had no problems with this though,
they were both in to their armpits and smiled the whole time. The kids picked their costumes and Katie of course chose to be a princess, Scott wanted to be an army guy so that he could carry his little cap rifle. Kassie is a different story though, since she wont talk still and would just grunt in her little language I decided that she would be a fairy this year, which must have been what she was trying to tell us, because she loved i
t. We got to go trick or treating a couple of times this year. Our ward had a trunk- or-treat and then the next night we got to trick- or-treat in our neighborhood. The kids made quite a haul. They are still trying to finish the last of the halloween candy and it is only a week until Christmas. I think our kids favorite part of halloween is when we went to Uncle Greg and Aunt Michelles house. They got to play with Ashley, and uncle Greg teased them and then he even let them play with the little dog Lucy. On Monday when I took the kids to school the first thing they both told their teachers was about playing with Lucy.
they were both in to their armpits and smiled the whole time. The kids picked their costumes and Katie of course chose to be a princess, Scott wanted to be an army guy so that he could carry his little cap rifle. Kassie is a different story though, since she wont talk still and would just grunt in her little language I decided that she would be a fairy this year, which must have been what she was trying to tell us, because she loved i

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