It was kind of a messy job with 2 little girls sticking their hands in everything and trying to use the tools. But with all of their help we got done pretty quickly with only minimal mess.

Kassi had a little grease on her face and Katie ended up rolling around and playing under the truck until her hair ended up in the used oil container that I had just finished filling to the top. She looked kind of funny with one long black streak on the left side of her hair.
You're my hero! I can't believe you changed the oil on your own, I just drop mine off at walmart! LOL.
What the...??!!! Kristi, seriously, is there anything you DON'T do???!!! you're putting me to shame over here! Change the oil??? I don't even know how to CHECK the oil...good thing i have zero cars! But when I do, make room for me in your driveway!!
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