We went to the Mesa temple lights as a family this year. They were so pretty this year. And the kids loved all the lights and the little recreations of the nativity story. After we saw the lights, we stopped at Starbucks for hot chocolate on the way home. We drank as we were driving and all of a sudden we heard a lot of slurping and smacking and when we turned around all of the noise was coming from Kassi. The big kids had fallen asleep, and Kassi was not letting a drop of her hot chocolate go to waste. She ended up drinking 2 cups. Now she wont pass up a cup even if she thinks there is only a chance that there is hot chocolate in it.
We went on Saturday to see the Temple Lights. It was really cold, wasn't it? Too bad I don't live closer, you could have taught me how to change the oil!! ha ha
MMMM!!! Chocolate. She's a girl after my own heart.
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